I Love You or I Laugh You - Which One?

"I Love You"

Just a few days back it was 1st April and people were going gaga to make everyone fool. I have also received quite a few messages saying 'new lockdown guidelines', 'exam routine', 'commencement of offline class', and 'I Love You' etc. 

This whole thing is funny. But I just failed to avoid the pinching thought hovering on me since that day. Knowingly or unknowingly we let ourselves be manipulated by this 'I Love You'. This little, easy to pronounce phrase 'I Love You' is probably carrying the heaviest meaning in the world. Most of the time the person who uses it the most is far away from its meaning. It has become a card to access a person physically, mentally and by all other means.
I Love You

I have seen girls blaming themselves for not being able to maintain a relationship. Nowadays, people are slowly turning towards self-love and self-care but sometimes, at the end of the day, these questions pop up - "Is there anything wrong with me? Am I not normal?" But if you look around, you will realize that not protecting your self-respect is the most abnormal thing ever. 
I don't want to mention the name but I have witnessed someone confessing "You know, I cannot even get out of this relationship...If I do, he will do everything to ruin me down... he can attempt suicide and leave my name with the suicide note...he can do anything." This fear...I have lived this...not once.... a hundred times or more. A third person from outside will say that wow..how much he loves her. But, trust me, this is nothing but the extreme level of emotional blackmailing. And we women, endure this under the phrase "I Love You" and make the most foolish of ourselves. This little phrase "I Love You" is the best controller ever in the world. 

Seeing all the things going on in the name of love it feels like 'Love' has become the new pet name of 'Brainwash'. And it is the worst when used like "Honey, I know whatever I have done was wrong. But trust me, my love for you is still the same. I have always loved you. You are the only one I can think about when it comes to love."

They will tear you apart and throw your pieces to places from where it seems almost impossible to find those pieces and bind them together again. And after that, they will say "I still love you, dear." 

The concept of balance is about to fade out from the love dictionary of today's generation. Either people are compromising or separating from each other. Some of them have named 'compromise' as balance. 

A rare group is still seen to actually understand each other and stay happy. But most of the world is sick with this never-ending pattern of dominating under "I Love You." It's an unavoidable fact that many of us still kind of believe in love because it's easy and comfortable to live with. The weirdest thing is people who are suffering from this pattern, expect others to believe that this is the only way to be happy instead of breaking the mould.

Being fooled by "I Love You" on 1st April is funny. But if it's happening over the years unknowingly or knowingly, is a sickness, dangerous than COVID-19.

If you have come this far reading this I wish you a happy weekend. Take care of yourself.
Thank you for visiting and reading.
Love and care from Anny's Pen.
See you in the next blog.

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Disclaimer: This article is purely based on my personal opinion. Yours can be totally different which I do respect, so do not take it personally. And it's open to criticism but be kind with your words.

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