Lifestyle in New Normal 

Lockdown habits to deal new normal
New Normal
Image by Pixabay 
Adjusting to this new semi-normal life with a mask, sanitizer, and never ending boredom is a challenge for all of us. But there is no choice left. We have to do it.
Let's try to add some happiness to this boring new semi-normal life. For instance, we can pick up some new habits which not only push away boredom but also make our life easier these days.

Recommended reading :

5 Healthy Lockdown Habits 

1. Waking up early in the morning :

  • Waking up early in the morning is not only healthy but also it helps to wake up our inner self to a positive mindset. I am not saying these just for the sake of this article. I have tried this many times during this lockdown. 
Lockdown habits to deal new normal
Morning beauty _ Image by Pixabay 
  • Okay....okay....no need to roll your eyes!....these days it's raining so much here and in the morning the weather remains so ideal for lazy persons that I wake up at 6 am...stop the alarm and get back to sleep immediately......please don't judge🙈🙈...
  • On a serious note, I have tried this thing ( credit goes to my father) and it feels heavenly. In this era of noise pollution if you have this habit you can experience a world a bit free of noise though temporarily. It makes me forget this pandemic situation out there. All I can think about is a peaceful, beautiful nature.
  • Most importantly early rising gives plenty of time to plan my day and to do things which I often think to do but fail to manage time for it.
  • But one thing...if you are thinking to jump up on your phone just after waking up early then you better go back to sleep.

2. Meditating :

  • Meditation has a lot of bookish definition. People relate spiritual things on a high level to it. I don't know about spiritualism and things.
  • To me, meditation is a refresh button of the mind. When we search for something on the internet and the network is not on point we always refresh the page so that it can start again. Meditation does the same thing with our minds.
    Lockdown habits to deal new normal
    Image by Pixabay 
  • Hearing all this news about Covid-19, continuous staying at home, thinking about career so many things are up these days sometimes it feels like my head will explode. 
  • Meditation helps to organize thoughts to a great extent. It restores peace of mind which is very necessary for our lifestyle today. Try not to think about anything at all in the time of meditating. 
  • I do it for 15-20 minutes along with soothing instrumental music. I have heard people say to meditate in silence but I am more comfortable with the music. I have found it very relaxing and refreshing this way. You can do it your way.

3. Having Some Fresh Air :

  • Keeping ourselves inside the house all day long is not really good. If your town/city is allowing to go outside try to go for a walk maintaining social distancing and proper protection (mask, sanitizer).
Lockdown habits to deal new normal
Image by Pixabay 
  • In our busy lifestyle, we hardly get time to spend with nature. Use this situation as an opportunity for that. Try to watch nature from a bit closer. Also, you can try it on the terrace or maybe on the balcony of your house. It's safe also. 
  • And what to say about its benefit. If we can take out some time for nature, it's always ready to fill us with positivity, peace, a fresh mind, energy, and much more. 
  • As an extra dose, you will have some exercise also. Keeping ourselves active is also very important now.

4. Exploring Yourself :

  • As we have got a lot of time we can explore ourselves...what do we like...what not..things like these. There are many things one can try such as.....cooking, book reading, gardening, diary writing, learning a new language through online courses, etc.
Lockdown habits to deal new normal
Gardening at Home
Image by Pixabay 
  • You never know maybe you can figure it out what that thing, doing which always pacify you, gives you that joy you were looking for. 
  • Mine is writing. It's very recent. I am writing for like two weeks now and I am in love and utter bliss. I am grateful to my parents for making me have the amazing habit of reading books outside the syllabus cause it's helping me to make my thoughts presentable in words to a great extent.❤

5. Stop Wasting Food :

  • It's a necessity in the very first place. We need to convert this necessity into a habit of ours. Millions of people out there are struggling for food every day regardless of a pandemic. 
  • This pandemic has made the situation worse. It's may not possible for all of us to donate something.  The least we can do is stop wasting sources. 
  • Try to cook the exact amount you want. Don't waste food in the name of a weird experiment. In restaurants order the required amount only.
  • The amount of food we will be wasting can give someone energy to stand up for life once again. Let's make the most out of this situation.
So that's all for today. Hope you have found it helpful to enrich your lockdown days.

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