Teachers During Lockdown | Lifestyle Today

Teachers During Lockdown | Lifestyle Today
Be Respectful to Your Teacher

Who is a teacher? A person who helps you to learn something. Teachers are the producers of our nation's futures. You know nowadays when someone says his aim is to be a teacher people give an expression of hopelessness. 


Because of the normal straight ways of teachers' recruitment is about to stop...almost...if you are an Indian you know the reason why I am saying this. But there is a huge demand for private tutors. 

And people who really want to pursue their aim of being a teacher are starting through that....because no choice left. Up to this situation was so so, but this lockdown and social distancing have made it the worst.

Teaching Profession and Social Distancing :

1. Many private tutors have been shown a red card. Teachers who are already govt. employee, it's not a big problem for them but whose only earning source is private tuition it's a matter of headache to him. A huge section of young adult girls and boys have lost their job in this wave. 

2. Next we have this practice of online teaching now. School, colleges everything has been resumed through online classes and exams. Our generation is quite comfortable with online thing but those teachers who are teaching with chalk, duster, and blackboards for years, they are facing a really challenging situation. Teaching means a class full of students to them so imagining a screen as a student....taking lots of time to adjust.

3. Students are bullying teachers through online teaching sessions. One main reason for it is many senior teachers don't know to handle the online platform. To teach online one needs to know the basics of technology properly. And it's a big deal for senior, aged teachers. All they know about teaching is to teach passionately and take care that every student has understood the lesson. When suddenly a silly comment comes up in live sessions..they don't know what to do. They cannot imagine someone can say such disgusting things in a class.

4. That place of respect which was somehow still there is decreasing. Because now classes are just a laptop or mobile screen. How many students will get inspiration from this to teach in the future....is a question mark now.

5. No more respect, no more discipline...many students have crossed the line. There are safety tools in online platforms. But many teachers don't know to use them properly and students are using them to advantage to bully a teacher.

6. For an online class the must need is a strong internet connection which is not always available at the same time. As consequence classes are not fruitful for all. 

6. Importance of a class, seriousness everything has decreased. Many students just mute the class and keep doing other things. Parents, who are not aware of technology...fail to know what's going on actually.

These are the current situation of teachers as well as students. That beautiful bonding of a student with a teacher is decreasing every day. The mentality to respect a teacher is also coming to an end through this time.

During this lockdown period, many private tutors are facing financial problems. Even after unlocking phase 1, parents are not allowing because of extreme fear which is also valid. The situation is working as a double-edged sword actually.


For private tutors, the one and the only solution is - arranging live teaching sessions with students, until the situation gets better. And permanent teachers who are facing ill-treatment maybe an online workshop that can be arranged for them to help them to use online safety tools properly. Also, institutions should keep tracking those students who are taking these online sessions as an advantage to disrespect students. After all, no profession will exist if there is no teacher left. A big salute to those teachers who are fighting with this situation.

Teachers During Lockdown | Lifestyle Today

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  1. Really nice article and all my respect for the TEACHERS!

  2. Nice article and all my respect for teachers!

  3. It is a hard job being a teacher. I have a couple of my family members as teachers and it’s not easy right nowespecially right now

    1. Being an teaching aspirant I can totally understand your situation. Hope all will be fine soon.
